Friday, May 28, 2010

Superb Fairy-wrens

Today was the first day in two weeks without rain and I had use of the car for 40 minutes so I quickly grabbed the camera and headed for Stockton with hopes of seeing Double-banded Plovers. The tide was going out as I approached Stockton so chances were low of seeing anything on the Sandspit.

Millions of Soldier Crabs travelling across the mud, One White-faced Heron and two Masked Lapwings made up the attendance list for the outing so I decided to sit down for 5 minutes where some Fairy-wrens were squabbling and chasing bugs. They took off as I approached but quickly returned as I did my best to mimic their calls. I soon had so many wrens around me that it was hard to choose which to photograph as they came to within a metre of my feet.

They continued to squabble and fight in between looking for food and I got some nice full frame shots to ensure I didn't go home with an empty memory card.

I am still stuck on 248 species! :(

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