Sunday, May 30, 2010

Plovers at Stockton Sandspit

Another quick trip to Stockton this morning for Double-banded Plovers and according to Tom 'The Sandspit King', they were there this morning but when we tried to spot them they were nowhere to be seen,

There were about 15 Red-capped Plovers roosting this morning on the shelly sand as well as 2 Pacific Golden Plovers. On the beach were at least 200 Bar-tailed Godwits and 50+ Eastern Curlew.

Today's photo effort was focused on the two Pacific Golden Plovers and I was able to get within 6 metres of one of them which was a nice treat. No action shots as all the birds were hunkered down against a strong westerly wind.

The two PGP are obviously over wintering here at the sandspit and both are in different plumage indicating a first year juvi and an injured adult. The male in breeding colours has a story behind it too so I'll include it here for some extra text :)

The male PGP was reported to have an injured leg just before they were due to fly north to breed. While he was hopping around he was still fattening up and the flock he was with appeared to be leaving their departure as late as possible, maybe as they waited to see if he would join them. Time started getting away and his flock left him as they migrated north. Since then he and the first year bird have moved from the wreck to the sandspit where they seem to be spending most of their time. He is still hopping everywhere but looks healthy apart from that.
Again I will head to Stockton next week to find what has now become my new bogey bird - DBP!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent images and lovely birds. I am surprised by still the relatively large number of Bar-tailed Godwits :) Are those overwintering birds?

    I wanted to contact you by e-mail but could not spot your address :)
    In case please find one of my e-mail address in our new site (Contact menu). (

    Cheers, Szimi
