Sunday, May 23, 2010

Noisy visitors

After a week of terrible weather, today's brief glimpse of sunshine was spent with the family. This meant that today's blog entry takes place in the old backyard. Lots of Rainbow Lori's and pigeons as usual, but I tried to focus on some of the other visitors for a change.

One Noisy lately is a Niosy Friarbird, who while being in the yard a lot, is very hard to get a clear photo of. However they have a great call, so just listening to them is as good as seeing them.

Next on the Noisy list is the Noisy Minor. Bossy birds that seem to be fearless and will take on most birds that enter their turf.

Final guest is the Magpie Lark. Not noisy by name, but noisy by nature. They love hunting the crickets while I mow, but this one scored a fat little spider for lunch. Mmmmm fat spider! :)

Looking forward to a trip very soon to the Sandspit to hopefully see a Double-banded Plover.

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