Sunday, May 16, 2010

Bulga and Jerrys Plains

Today's trip was a little west of home as myself and a friend went to explore the Bulga and Jerrys Plains area in search of Regent Honeyeaters.

No sign of the critically endangered species or flowering trees in which they would feed, however we did find a lot of other birds to enjoy.

Two new species for me today in Red-capped Robin and White-eared Honeyeater. While no photo to show of the White-eared, the Robins gave me plenty of opportunities.

Species for the day included...

Varied Sitella, Brown-headed Honeyeater, Weebill, Striated Pardalote, Speckled Warbler,
Diamond Firetail, Red-browed Firetail, Double-barred Finch, Grey-crowned Babbler,
Brown Falcon, Peregrine Falcon, Little Eagle, Nankeen Kestrel, Yellow Thornbill,
Buff-rumped Thornbill, Brown Thornbill, White-plumed Honeyeater, White-naped Honeyeater
Yellow-faced Honeyeater, Brown-headed Honeyeater, Scarlet Robin, Eastern Yellow Robin
Red-capped Robin, Jacky Winter, Golden Whistler, Rufous Whistler, Western Gerygone, Galah
Sulfur-crested Cockatoo, Eastern Rosella, Crimson Rosella, Red-rumped Parrot, King Parrot
Aust. Wood Duck, Mistletoebird,

and a host of others that I can't remember because I didn't keep a list today :)

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