Sunday, May 2, 2010

New bird and a new camera accessory

Last week saw the addition of a new toy to my bird photography arsenal. A new 4WD car! This will allow my camera to get a few more spots that the old car just couldn't get to without being beaten up by the terrain.

To celebrate I went to Newcastle Ocean Baths to see if I could find the Noddy, even though I haven't heard any reported sightings for many days. I did a search of the rocks upon arrival and failed to find the Noddy and was settling in to photograph the surfers when a dark shape on the rocks caught my eye. I knew what I was looking at the moment I saw it...Eastern Reef Egret!

I have never seen one before and had actually forgotten that there had been a sighhting a couple of days earlier in this area. The surfers were quickly forgotten as I began my stalk to get closer for a photo. It proved to be rather timid and made me walk some distance to follow it along the coastline, but I finally got enough shots to be happy with.

After the Egret I began watching a young Australasian Gannet diving for fish close to the rocks and got a few ok shots.

I also encountered a mystery bird in the waves, which I am guessing was a type of Shearwater although I couldn't get a good look at it as it was being pounded by the surf. Hopefully it didn't end up dead on the beach. :(

Anyway a good afternoon with a tick and a ride in the new car.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice post. Congrats for your new Three Diamonds. :))
    Wish for a bit larger images though. They look really nice.

