Sunday, April 18, 2010

Wader survey

Saturday morning I participated in my first HBOC wader survey. These surveys are conducted monthly at various locations to record what waders are hiding in the area. My area for Saturday was around Tomago (Opposite Ash Island).

I met up with Nick and with camera, binoculars, pen and notepad we drove off into the wilderness. Several Raptors were seen, lots of Pipits, Cisticolas, Lapwings, ducks, and day to day birds, but the highlight for me was several great views (although not long enough to photograph) of an Azure Kingfisher.

One of my jobs on the day was to act as the beater and tromp through an area called the 'Rice Paddy' to flush out birds, in particular Little Bittern. Nick walked the perimetre to see what took flight. No bitterns, but an interesting trip for me as I walked through shallow water and thick grass that ranged between 5 and 7 feet tall. Some stages I had no idea where I was walking, but I would love to go back to try and photograph Cisticolas in there.

All in all it was a good few hours of birding with many species found, albeit no waders. After that I went out to test drive a few cars and stopped by the Newcastle Baths to see the Noddy Noddy seen. :(

Some of the birds recorded for the survey included...

Swamp Harrier
Black-shouldered Kite
Nankeen Kestrel
Golden-headed Cisticola
Southern Emu-wren
Superb Fairy-wren
Striped Honeyeater
Azure Kingfisher
Brown Honeyeater
Yellow-faced Honeyeater
White-faced Heron
Tawny Grassbird
Little Grassbird
Brown Thornbill
Yellow Thornbill

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