Friday, April 9, 2010

Oycs, Ruddy's and a Noddy

This morning I went into Newcastle to find a bird that had been reported in the vacinity of the Newcastle Ocean Baths over the last day or so. The visitor, a Common Noddy, is a rare bird for the Hunter and of course would be a new bird for me.

I arrived about 20 minutes before sunrise and was immediately disappointed as a south east wind was smashing huge surf onto the rock shelf surrounding the baths. There was nowhere for any birds to roost on the rocks and I was feeling that it would be a wasted trip. I went for a wonder and was happy to see 30 Sooty Oystcatchers sheltering nearby on a strip of sand so I headed for them to have a look.

On my way I also found 24 Ruddy Turnstones foraging on the sand. They were looking very dark and I suspected once it got light I would see their breeding plumage in all its glory. I sat down with the Oycs for a good 40 minutes and then decided to go back to the Turnstones only to find they were gone. I walked around the baths scanning the rock shelf and also getting splashed by the waves, when I saw by chance a dark bird flying low between the big waves...It was the Noddy!!! I snapped a few long range photos while it flew away down the coast looking for its breakfast. I hung around for a while longer and it returned twice more on its patrol but never came too close to shore.

It was time to go home again and as I walked out to the carpark I saw movement on some rocks down below. I had found the turnstones again! They were in terrible photographic light but they did look awesome. I took my photos and left them to roost, as I returned to my own roost for a shower and some breakfast.

Glad I saw the Common Noddy even though it wasn't as close as I had hoped. Maybe late next week I will duck in for another look.