Sunday, August 16, 2009

Kooragang Dykes

Had a few hours leave granted to me by the family so I headed for Stockton just before sunrise. I visited the Sandspit (as I do) but it was fairly quiet. In fact it was so quiet I had more photos of pigeons than anything else. Tom, aka the king of the sandspit came out to do his usual excellent work at the 'spit and we went for a walk to see how the Red-capped Plovers were going. We found two pairs nesting ands a total of three eggs.

After that cool find I headed for the the other side of the bridge to look for Marj's Chestnut-breasted Mannikans. Didn't take too long although they proved a job and a half to photograph. While On my belly I had several visits from Grey Fantails as they looked for their breakfast.
With the tide going out I decided to head out onto the dykes to see what lived out there. No waders on the dykes was a surprise since they weren't at the Sandspit either. Maybe they are at Ash Island???? Anyway a few common birds like Pelicans, Darters, Ibis, Kingfisher and Cormorant. Didn't get stuck out there because of a freak high tide, but definitely a place to revisit.

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