Sunday, May 31, 2009

A chilly day out

Well to celebrate the last day of Autumn, Grant (birder extraordinaire) and I went on a photo outing taking in Belmont Lagoon, Awabakal Nature reserve and Newcastle.I will list our sightings at the end otherwise it'll take all night to type this. After a week of constant rain and an uncertain forecast, we thought "stuff it" and decided that we would try and take some photos. After meeting at Maccas Belmont for a quick warm up drink we headed out into the Lagoon. Things started off quiet bird wise but a couple of light showers and a strong cool breeze would not deter this duo and the quest went on. Through wild untamed grasses and round deep impassable puddles we trod in search of Emu-wrens and other feathered prizes.After a while the sun did break through the clouds for short periods and we were treated to some wonderful sights. Though the weather played havoc with the gathering of great photographic booty, we were treated to a near front row seat for an Eastern Osprey hunt which involved a huge belly flop into the canal as it chased its missed this time but as it flew over the mangroves we saw it dive yet again. Fingers crossed he got what he was after.

Sightings for Belmont Lagoon included.

Brown Thornbill
White-cheeked Honeyeater
Southern Emu-wren
Superb Fairy-wren
Little Wattlebird
Little Pied Cormorant
Great Egret
White-bellied Sea-eagle
Black-shouldered Kite
Brown Falcon
Eastern Osprey
Fan-tailed Cuckoo
Striated Heron
Yellow-faced Honeyeater
Lewin's Honeyeater
Azure Kingfisher
Spangled Drongo
Brown Honeyeater

Next stop for the day was Awabakal Nature Reserve, near Redhead, just South of Newcastle. This place looks like an awesome spot for Springtime and I can't wait to go back. When we got there Grant spotted an unusual sight when he saw a Crow with a golfball in its beak! He went to get a shot but it was chased away by anothe bird, although it hung on to the ball Grant and I part ways soon after entering the narrow track as he was on a mision for Emu-wrens and Tawny-crowned Honeyeaters. This place was alive with little birds but does challenge you to get good clean photos due to the enclosed nature of the track. Strong winds and a little shower stopped us getting too deep into this walk, plus we had another place to be later in the day. Upon packing the cars we headed for Newcastle to grab lunch and our next birding location.

Birds seen at Awabakal.

White-bellied Sea-eagle
Tawny-crowned Honeyeater
Southern Emu-wren
New holland Honeyeater
Eastern Spinebill
Eastern Whipbird
Eastern Yellow Robin
Last stop of the day was Newcastle, to join members of the Hunter Bird Observers Club on their Seawatch. Parked below Fort Scratchley we stood in freezing wind and looked for sea birds.Though not much of a photographic experience we did see some cool birds. Lots of Australasian Gannets were diving for food just off the coast throughout the outing, but the highlights were three Giant-Petrel (unsure if Southern or Northern), heading North close to the coast, and further out several Albatross were spotted including Black-browed Albatross.

Birds seen on the coastline

Australasian Gannet
Silver Gull
Black-browed Albatross
Australian Pelican
White-fronted Tern (?)
Crested Tern
Australian Kestrel
That's all folks. Tomorrow is Winter....Can't wait.

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