Sunday, May 24, 2009

Birds home delivered!

This weekend was supposed to be terrible with lots of rain and wind, so I decided earlier in the week that I would not go photo-ing any birds and stay home with the family. Well the weekend hasn't been too bad and today has been quite good so I have been quietly cursing the weathermen for their dodgy report. Obviously my presence was missed as we have had many visitors to the feeders in the backyard. The usual suspects (Eastern Rosellas, Crested Pidgeons and Spotted turtle-doves) were in abundance but a rare treat in the arrival of five Sulphur-crested Cockatoos had me crouching in the family room snapping photos through the window.

We also decided to take the kids for a walk to the shops and of course I packed the camera in a backpack for 'just in case'. Going past one of the stormwater catchment ponds I saw an Australasian Grebe. It was a fair way out but I will have to revisit for a better photo.
Can only hope that all no bird photo outing days are this productive :)

1 comment:

  1. Well done, lucky. It was good you got some photos at least.

