Well tomorrow sees the start of my big solo adventure into the NSW outback and I don't know if i'll get any sleep tonight....I'm just too excited. :)
Everything that I intend to take with me has been checked, given a full charge or fresh batteries, checked again and finally packed. My normal bird photography camelbak has been replaced by a backpack, two water bottles and another two pouches full of 'essential' stuff. You would think I was packing to survive a nuclear winter instead of going out to photograph birds.
My plans have been a bit of a mess the last few days as the weather prediction has been continually changing out west. Now with a huge tropical low causing lots of rain in the west I am just hoping that the dirt roads I intend on travelling out near Bourke will be open. I was looking at making a dash towards Gundabooka National Park, but I have thought "stuff it". There's no point driving around madly and not enjoying the trip so we'll just play by ear and see what happens.
Just so you know where i'll be over the next week, i'll leave you a rough itinerary and we'll see how much it changes after I get back.
Sunday - 12pm. Pick up the hire car to leave for the family to use, then head as far west as I can before it gets too late and sleep in the car in a rest area (maybe Narromine?).
Monday- early start to Nyngan and Cobar, Stopping to look for birds in the area along the way. O/nite Cobar.
Tuesday - dawn start again travelling towards Gundabooka National Park where i'll explore and stay for 2 nites (weather permitting).
Thursday - head for Bourke and then turn eastwards towards Byrock with a possible o/nite at either Byrock or through to Nyngan (not decided yet).
Friday - longest driving day with 7 hours driving towards home. With photo stops I may sleep in another rest stop if it gets too late.
Saturday - back home in time to return the hire car by 12pm.
Very abridged version of the trip, so fingers crossed the weather lets me keep to the program.
Anyway, time to pace the room waiting for the clock to say it's time to go. See you all in a week!
All the best, can't wait to hear how it goes for you.