Saturday, July 3, 2010

Raymond Terrace Birding

Sounds unexciting I know, but I had a surprisingly good day with some unexpected bonuses. I began with a drive out to Seaham Weir to find the Restless Flycatcher I had seen last weekend, which did not show up today. Lots of little birds in good numbers seen including Red-browed Firetail, White-browed Scrubwren, Yellow Thornbill, Grey Fantail, Jacky Winter, Superb Fairy-wren, Bar-shouldered Dove, Whistling Kite and Eastern Whipbird.

After a few hours at the weir I drove back into Raymond Terrace along Newline Road where the highlight was a Grey Goshawk at Eagleton.

Back in Raymond Terrace and I set up at the pond next to Mac Donalds. It's a stinky, dirty place with overfed geese and half bred ducks, but always a chance for some photos. Lots of Sacred Ibis, Royal Spoonbills, Eurasian Coot, Purple Swamphen, Dusky Moorhen, Masked Lapwings and Rufous Night Herons as per normal, but I was shocked to see two Brahminy Kites hunting over the pond!!! Good for me, but the Night Herons were in a right panic with the two raptors sitting in their tree.

Off to Dubbo tomorrow with the family, so it'll be good to see what birds are out there even though it's not a birding trip.

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