Monday, June 14, 2010

SSS revisited

After a cold and overcast visit on Saturday morning, I felt the need to go back and improve on my plover shots. The weather was much kinder and thankfully the Double-banded was there as well. Same stalking method got me as close as I wanted to go and the birds were so happy that they all went to sleep for a bit while I was about 5 or 6 metres away. It's nice to get close for photos but it's also a great way to view their behaviour as they chase each other around.

My injured friend the Pacific Golden Plover having a wing stretch...

Resident Red-capped Plovers...

The solitary Double-banded Plover...
Not a plover, but an Eastern Curlew just to mix it up a bit.


  1. Lovely images - your patient stalking was well rewarded.

  2. Those images are beautiful. The Red-capped Plover seems like being in a breeding plumage :) So early moulting?

    Cheers, Szimi

  3. Thanks Marj and Szimi,

    Happy to take you stalking at the Sandspit Marj. Just need to put up with those nasty burrs...but worth the effort in the end :)

    Szimi, We had a pair of RCP's breed very late this season (actually after the season) and they had one or two chicks. That said, there are several males in the flock at Stockton that are showing the same plumage so maybe an early moult as you suggested. Autumn and Winter have been reasonable mild this year.
