Sunday, February 7, 2010

Powerful Owl....FINALLY!!!

Took a mad dash into Blackbutt today to search for Powerful Owls. Today I hit pay dirt as I found one roosting and facing right at me. While the many millions of mosquitos attacked me (I double dosed myself in aeroguard and it did stuff all), I took a few photos and let it be. While reviewing my photos I noticed it had a dodgy left eye. Possibly from a collision of a fight, but the bird looked very healthy so things must be ok, albeit a bit blurry. How big are their talons!!! I am impressed. What an awesome tick on my bird list :)

On the way home I dropped by Stockton, and even though the tide was going out there were many shorebirds to be found.
14 Pacific Golden Plovers on and around the wreck as well two Sacred Kingfishers (who were harassing the PGP's) and a Mangrove Gerygone.
At the Sandspit I saw 30 Sharp-tailed Sandpipers, 6 Pacific Golden Plovers, 1 Whimbrel, 4 Eastern Curlew, 1 Black-tailed Godwit (starting to change its plumage), 1 Sacred Kingfisher and the usual egrets, herons, pigeons, red-capped plovers, silver gulls and only one Pied Oystercatcher.

One life tick and Three year ticks on a wet, gloomy day. Gotta be happy with that.

1 comment:

  1. So how is your life list with this awesome owl?

    Cheers, Szimi
    from the other side of the Earth :)
