Monday, January 4, 2010

First 2010 outing

It has barely stopped raining here since Xmas and I have been sitting in the corner of the loungeroom rocking and gibbering to myself while waiting for the sun to come out. Today it all got too much and I headed out into the overcast gloom for a small trip to the Sandspit to dust off the camera.

Not a huge lot seen but it was an enjoyable hour. Superb Fairy-wrens, Starlings, Rock Doves and Black-winged Stilts were first on the list. Next were the roosting Eastern Curlews and a White-faced Heron. I headed for the beach and was rewarded with a few species but small numbers. A solitary Red-necked Avocet, 3 Bar-tailed Godwits, 6 Pelicans, 3 Silver Gulls and 2 Little Egrets as I reached the beach. Further down I could see scrurrying things and headed off in a bent over walk towards them.
I was happy to see lots of Red-necked Stints and Red-capped Plovers roosting or feeding very close by. I laid down and watched and a few curious young birds came to within a few metres to look at the funny human.
I saw some tiny white birds come in for a fish...Little Tern...Tick! Thank you very much After a bucket load of shots I backed out and started to head back when I found the Pied Oystercatcher family in the Mangroves. They have certainly grown since I last saw them! Anyway I got a few shots and left them to feed and play.

1 comment:

  1. You know everything is relative. For me, a Central European, that little to see means several lifers from birding point of you. :)

    I think you should be happy by the result of the plovers. :)

    Cheers, Szimi
