Monday, December 7, 2009

Long time between pics

I'm back!!!

Sunday was my first outing since Twitchathon and it was good to get out. I was so excited that I actually went to 6 different spots in search of birds. Light on for photos but still had fun and got some better photos of some bogey birds.

First stop was Belmont Wetlands. Reasonably quiet apart from where there were lots of pigeons and doves calling and a startled fox, however I got better photos of White-throated Treecreepers than I had before.

Next stop was just down the road was Belmont Lagoon where I saw heaps of Emu-wrens, a few Rufous Fantails and again scored my best pics to date of Black-shouldered Kite and Brown Thornbill.
On the road again to Morisset where I was keen to see if the resident Ospreys had raised a youngster. I found both adults at their trees but no sign of nesting or fledged young. Great photo ops as they flew close to check me out. Also found a pair of nesting Kestrels with a fledged juvi near the Ospreys.

Leaving the Raptors to enjoy some human free time I drove on to Pambalong NR to hopefully find the reported Yellow Spoonies. Lucky me found four of them...TICK

Went to the paddocks at Lenaghan's Drive next to find Glossy joy, and was too slow getting the camera out and stopping the car to photograph a low flying Swamp Harrier.

Last stop for the morning was Blue Gum Hills NR where I was only intending a quick visit. A short way into my walk and I was discovered by a Grey Goshawk. The Goshawk seemed highly aggitated by my presence (I was still on the track) so I tried to walk away only to have the bird continue to screech and also flank me from the treetops. I stopped to grab some photos of it when suddenly it took off (still screeching) with its talons stretched out and straight at me!!! To say I pooped myself is an understatement, as I swung the camera to keep it away. I must have looked a a big girl's blouse with a funny light sabre as I yelled at it to rack off (not the words I used). I eventually got away but it still wasn't happy. No photos of the attack, but I did get a photo of the offender.


  1. Busy and happy outing. Goshawk seems likely to have been defending a nest??

  2. Nice write-up Lucky. The Goshawks at Warriewood haven't laid any eggs yet so we aren't getting this aggressive behaviour from them.

  3. I am guessing nest defence too. No sign of it although I was distracted. :)
