Friday, October 30, 2009

New birds at my doorstep

I live directly opposite a forest, yet I always found it fairly quiet with regards to bird species. Maybe I am becoming more aware, or maybe it is seasonal but today I found species I had never seen or heard in there. New birds of the forest were, Rufous Whistlers, Red-browed Firetails, Brown and Yellow Thornbills and Variegated Fairy-wrens.

Tomorrow is the start of the 24 hour Twitchathon (The big bird counting race). My team 'The Horny Frogmouths' will be travelling all around the Lower hunter in search of birds. I will be happy if we can spot 100 species for the 24 hours as we are both confessed 'non' birders and will be relying on sight more than calls to identify. No doubt my next post will be about the event, so stay tuned. :)


  1. Wren on a diet? :-) Good luck with the twitch.

  2. Just a very alert pose and stretched up on tippy claws. The nearby Sacred Kingfishers were making a racquet due to their habitat being cleared for a new house site. :-(
