Monday, September 7, 2009

Waders and cute little ones

Gave myself a Father's Day present yesterday by going to look for waders at Stockton Sandspit. No new waders seen however the Red-necked Avocets were back in force.

Many pairs of Red-capped plovers seemed to be sorting out their nesting areas and I was happy to see the first Red-capped chick on the Island running around looking very cute and fluffy.

The Eastern Curlews gave me lots of in-flight photo ops which is nice as they are so hard to get close to.

As per usual the Raptors were chased away way to soon by Lapwings. Another highlight of the day though was seeing Dolphins in the river in a feeding frenzy not twenty metres off the beach while I was there! Very cool to see!

1 comment:

  1. nice chickie.
    I was there yesterday and did not see him.
    i saw 4 or 5 adults i think..
    It was high tide as well, doh!
