Sunday, June 14, 2009

In search of Kingfishers

This morning I ventured out to photograph the young Sacred Kingfishers at Stockton Sandspit. I have seen them several times and had started to see a routine in their hunting so I decided to try my luck. Using a bag hide I positioned myself near two of their favourite hunting perches. My reward did not take too long at all, in fact it took just 4 minutes before I got my first photo. This one is holding a Soldier crab that it snatched off the mud.
Lots of little birds in the adjoining mangroves including Mangrove Gerygone, Superb Fairy-wren, Silvereye and Yellow-rumped Thornbill.
On the way home I got my first sighting of an Australian Hobby, so my day was a great one for bird photography :-)

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