Monday, June 29, 2009

Around town

I tried a second time this weekend to photograph the Powerful Owl but ended up with nothing. However the weekend was not a total write off. I found two new birds on my outing to Belmont Lagoon. The first was a small flock of Spotted Pardalotes, which unfortunately were up on a power line in dark early morning light and the other was a pair of Striped Honeyeaters.

Still lots of White-cheeked Honeyeaters at the Lagoon and they were getting pretty fiesty, maybe over territory???
Saw plenty of Yellow Thornbills, Silvereyes, Red-browed Finches and Wattlebirds and as usual missed getting shots of the big birds of prey :( at one point I was under the canopy as a mature Sea-eagle swooped over while being chased by a crow. They can't have been more than 5 metres above me and you could hear the power of the Eagle from the "whoomf" of the wing beats. Shame the trees blocked a photo, but it looked and sounded cool.
Also came across 3 Eastern Spinebills also having a dispute, and while the action was fast and furious, I managed to get a shot of one while it took a break and watched the other two.

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